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NNRS - Northern Netherlands Ranking Snooker

The NNRS tournament cycle starts in early September.

The poster (which can be found in snooker centers as well as on the NNRS site) reads almost all information. The participation fee is only € 10.00 and you can of course register on the day itself with the present competition management between 11:00 AM and 11:30 AM, or in advance via Whatsapp.

There are 11 tournaments that count towards the NNRS, including the meanwhile well-known North Netherlands Open, which is organized together with KNBB Snooker. Also it is it is possible again to place you via the NNRS for the NK of the KNBB Snooker. The winner of the final ranking and the winner of the A-Masters are eligible.

We start with an open draw. Each subsequent tournament will be the top 4 players of the ranking posted. For example, we will look at the current ranking every tournament and the best 4 will be placed back in the schedule.

The Northern Netherlands Ranking Snooker is a tournament cycle that is open to everyone participate. Fortunately, many participants still like it for various reasons to participate. By participating often, you have a good chance of qualifying for it big final tournament: the Masters.

The Masters is played with the best 16 players of the final ranking. Condition is however, you must have participated in at least 5 of the 11 tournaments. If in the season less tournaments are played, you have 4 out of 10/9/8 tournaments, or 3 out of 7/6, or 2 out of 5/4 tournaments have entered to to qualify for the Masters.

Each participant receives 30 points for free. The poster says 3 more, but we're going do something different this season. In the main round of the tournament you get 20 points per match won. In the B round, you get 10 points for each win match there. A bye in the main round is 10 points and a bye in the B round is 5 points.

We're playing double knockout. Any player who loses his/her first game may on to round B. If you win the first game, you stay in the main schedule. Losing your second game is of course the end of the game. We play when we can in both rounds a Best-of 3. We always look at the available number of tables in the hall, x 5 players. So in a room with 5 tables x 5, 25 players is the maximum number to also start with a Best-of 3 in the B-round. Are there in this case more than 25 participants, the organization chooses to start the B round with a Best-of 1.

Foul and a miss - In the main round we will play with this rule. In the B round we don't play with this rule. The NNRS-rule is that a player may hit the ball(s) 3 times put back after a foul and a miss. Agree on whether or not to do this rule play is allowed.

We at the organization are looking forward to it and we would like to see everyone come again. We may also see some old acquaintances return, but also new ones.

See you at one of our tournaments.

* Text is reproduced with permission from the site of the NNRS.
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